拼音:jūn bèi 英文解釋:
armament; arms; weaponry
軍事編制、裝備 >>
查看“軍備”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 日本由重整軍備轉向漸增軍備。
Japan turned to gradually augment armament.
- 世界各大強國均惟恐在軍備競賽中落後.
The major world powers are afraid of falling behind in the arms race
- 裁減軍備
reduction of armaments; reduce military preparations
- 軍備競賽的根源在於超級大國的霸權主義政策。
The arms race is rooted in the hegemonist policy of the superpowers.
- 打著裁軍招牌擴充軍備
build up armaments under the signboard of disarmament
- 軍備競賽中互相追逐
Level up to each other in an arms race
- 歷史上,軍備競賽活動是重開戰端的前奏。
Armament competition in history is always prelude of war.
- 那些會談都以大幅度裁減軍備為目標。
The talks are aimed at radical reductions in the level of weapons.