拼音:jūn fú 英文解釋:
military uniform; regimental
軍人所穿的統一服裝 >>
查看“軍服”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 肩章肩上的裝飾物,尤為軍服上有流蘇的肩帶
A shoulder ornament, especially a fringed strap worn on military uniforms
- 二戰期間我的叔叔在英國海軍服役。
My uncle served with the British Navy during the World War 2.
- 英美海軍的水兵在美國或英國海軍服役的人;海軍
An enlisted person in the U.S. or British Navy; a sailor.
- 肩帶軍服肩部的裝飾帶
An ornamental cord worn on the shoulder of a military uniform
- 骰子上的點、軍官軍服上的星等
a pip on a dice, officer’s uniform, etc
- 約翰從海軍服役回來時,成了一個真正健壯勇敢的硬漢。
John was a real he-man when he returned from service with the Marines
- 被授權可以強迫市民在陸軍或海軍服役的特遣部隊。
a detachment empowered to force civilians to serve in the army or navy.
- 肩帶軍服肩部的裝飾帶
An ornamental cord worn on the shoulder of a military uniform.