字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>舉例的英文翻譯 “舉例”的日文翻譯


拼音:jǔ lì


give an example; illustrate
【機】 instance


舉出例子從中舉例 >>查看“舉例”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 舉例說明我的意思,讓我們看看我們每年的原油進口。
    To exemplify what I mean, let us look at our annual import of crude oil.
  2. 是的.舉例說我的拖拉機靠油菜油發動.-油菜籽油.-油菜籽油.
    Yeah. Like my tractor is running on rape oil. -Rapeseed oil. -Rapeseed oil.
  3. 本文舉例證明了文中的定理5-3、5-4、5-5是錯誤的。
    We cite an example to prove that the theorem5-3,5-4,5-5 are wrong in.
  4. 舉例說明運用例證或比喻把問題講清楚
    To clarify by serving as an example or comparison.
  5. 例證用來舉例說明一個原則或方法的一道問題或練習
    A problem or exercise used to illustrate a principle or method
  6. 你能舉例說明如何用這個字嗎?
    Can you give me an example of how this word is used?
  7. 舉例來說,新生的恆星四周會環繞著剩餘物質所構成的氣盤。
    Newborn stars, for instance, are surrounded by disks of leftover material.
  8. 股的手續費是怎么扣的啊,能舉例說明嗎?
    A poundage is how buckle ah, can illustrate
