字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>舉止的英文翻譯 “舉止”的日文翻譯


拼音:jǔ zhǐ


bearing; behave; behavior; demean; manner
【法】 behaviour; goings on


指姿態和風度觀其言語舉止,非庸人也。——《後漢書&mid... >>查看“舉止”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 行為舉止給人感覺極天真的男子。
    A man whose attitudes and behavior are felt to be naive.
  2. 面談進行得比我原來想像的要好。有時我意識到她答語中有敵意,但總的看來,她舉止極為得體。
    hostility in her answers but she behaved very reasonably on the whole
  3. 他的舉止顯示出他是個有教養的人。
    His behaviour was suggestive of a cultured man
  4. 友好的,和藹可親的有開朗的或友好的性情或舉止的;熱誠的並且親切的
    Having a pleasant or friendly disposition or manner; cordial and kindly
  5. 她的舉止和語言對於女士 來說太粗俗了
    Her manners and language are too gross for a lady
  6. 她成為了以前那個舉止優雅的自己的怪誕模仿品。
    She has become a grotesque parody of her former elegant self
  7. 舉止和外貌嚴酷可怕得讓人生厭。
    harshly uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance.
  8. 舉止滑稽;扮小丑
    To behave comically; clown.
