拼音:jué liè英文解釋:
break; break from; break with; rupture【法】 rupture
感情關係等破裂 >>查看“決裂”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 因觀點不同而和朋友分手[決裂]split with a friend over differences in opinion
- 我們必須與舊觀念徹底決裂。We must make a clean break with old ideas
- 他將空洞無物的“平靜決裂”替換為清晰明了的“決裂”。He has swapped talk of plain “rupture” for the vacuous “tranquil rupture”.
- 徹底決裂make a complete break with
- 與先前的流派自覺的進行決裂的一種藝術和文學流派。art and literature that makes a self-conscious break with previous genres
- 不愉快的決裂a tough break
- 約翰與過去徹底決裂了。John made a clean break with the past
- 餵, 你們倆老是爭吵。要么握手言和, 要么決裂算了。Look here, you two, you're always at loggerheads.Mend it or end it.