拼音:jué xīn英文解釋:
determination; resolution; chose; decision; purpose; resolve【法】 purpose; resolve
堅定不移的意志下定決心 >>查看“決心”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 他下決心不再賭博。He made a firm resolve to give up gambling.
- 她決心做一架望遠鏡。She resolved to make a telescope
- 警方決心要找到匪首。The police were determined to sniff out the ringleaders.
- 一個決心要贏的隊a team baund on winning
- 我說我決心要走。I said I was resolved to go.
- 我決心付給他100美元。I am determined to pay him 100 dollars.
- 我們決心加強戰備。We are determined to strengthen our preparedness against war.
- 決心書a written statement of determination