拼音:jué bù英文翻譯
1.noways 2.noway 3.nothing 4.notforworld 5.notforanything 6.notbyalongchalk 7.notonyourpuff例句:
- 你絕不能投降。You can in no way surrender.
- 絕不要相信陌生人。Never put your trust to a stranger.
- 如果你不喜歡那地方,你絕不該怪我,因為是你求我把你帶到那去的。You can hardly blame me if you don't like the place, as you were the one who begged me to take you there.
- 我絕不做那種事。I'll do nothing of that kind.
- 邁克絕不是不守承諾的人。Mick is the last man to break his word.