拼音:jué hòu 英文解釋:
never to be seen again; without offspring
(1) ∶指一家族或家庭再也沒有後代或繼承人(2) ∶指極其罕見,今後不會再有空... >>
查看“絕後”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- "我們結婚的時候," 內德幾乎帶著恐嚇的口氣對我說, "我們要舉行空前絕後的盛大宴會。" "喔" ,我隨隨便便地應了一聲。 "空前絕後的盛大宴會," 他又說了一遍。
"When we get married, " Ned said to me almost threateningly, "We're going to have the reception of all time." "Oh, " I said freely. "Of all time, " he repeated.
- 論大滅絕後的倖存類型、復活效應與避難所
Re-evaluation of survivors, Lazarus taxa, and refugia from mass extinction
- "我們結婚的時候,"內德幾乎帶著恐嚇的口氣對我說,"我們要舉行空前絕後的盛大宴會。""喔",我隨隨便便地應了一聲。"空前絕後的盛大宴會,"他又說了一遍。
all time." "Oh, " I said freely. "Of all time, " he repeated
- 空前絕後, 舉世無雙
the like of which has never been seen; unique in the world
- 空前絕後
never known before and never to occur again; unique
- 在某些方面,EADS事件是空前絕後的。
In some ways the story of EADS has been a one-off.