burst; decide; definitely; determine; execute a person中文解釋:
決 jué 排除阻塞物,疏通水道:“禹決江疏河”。 堤岸被水沖開:決口。潰決。...>>查看“決”在國語字典中的解釋
- 她微弱的生存機會取決於找到合適的骨髓捐獻者。Her slim chance for survival lay in finding a bone marrow donor
- ASP與 ADO是一種完全的 Web資料庫訪問解決方案。ASP and ADO is a compl ete solution to accessing the web database.
- 權力能夠執行法律、規章、命令、決定或判決的力量The power to enforce laws, exact obedience, command, determine, or judge
- 航空發動機可靠性目標值的模糊決策Fuzzy Decision for Design Values of Aeroengine Reliability
- 好長時間以後他才下定決心。It took a long time to make up his mind.
- 然後他們就這項提案進行表決。Then they started to vote on the proposal.
- 他最後偶然想到了解決方法。He finally alighted on a solution.
- 我決不會故意得罪他.I would never wittingly offend him