字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>舉動的英文翻譯 “舉動”的日文翻譯


拼音:jǔ dòng


act; activity; comport; conduct; move; turn


(1) ∶舉止(2) ∶行動舉動自專由。——《玉台新詠&... >>查看“舉動”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 舉動奇怪
    behave in a strange fashion
  2. 對於她女兒的舉動,她有一些激憤之詞。
    She had a few hard words so say about the way her daughter behaved
  3. 提供幫助是出自善意的舉動
    It was a well-intentioned effort to help.
  4. 勇敢的舉動使他贏得了光榮的稱號。
    His brave action earned him a name crowned with glory
  5. 這一舉動構成了侵略行為。
    This move constitutes an act of aggression.
  6. 引誘使之實現渴望的舉動或狀態的。
    tending to entice into a desired action or state.
  7. 我把她帶到一旁問她為什麽有這種奇怪舉動
    I take her on one side to ask about her odd behaviour.
  8. 舉止,舉動以一種特定的方式舉止或舉動
    To behave or conduct(oneself) in a specified manner
