拼音:juān shuì英文解釋:
taxes and levies【經】 charge; toll
各種捐和稅收的總稱 >>查看“捐稅”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.taxesandlevies 2.duesandtaxes相關對話:
- 解放前,各種捐稅沉重地壓在人民身上。Before liberation, taxes weighed heavily upon the people.
- 那兒的地方政府使人民負擔沉重的捐稅和債務。The local government there burdened the people with heavy taxes and debts.
- 豁免捐稅exempt sb. from taxes; remit taxes
- 他們希望捐稅能稍有減少。They hope for a small diminution in taxes
- 捐稅使英國各階層均感為重擔。Taxation bears heavily on all classes in Britain .
- 捐稅沉重地壓在該國各階層的人身上。Taxation bears heavily on all classes in that country.