字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>捐錢的英文翻譯 “捐錢”的日文翻譯


拼音:juān qián


come down
【法】 whip-round


  1. 我不在乎捐錢給紅十字會,因為我知道它有高尚的奮鬥目標。
    I don't mind giving money to the Red Cross because I know it's for a good cause.
  2. 他們曾很慷慨地捐錢給教堂。
    They have contributed generously to the church .
  3. 這個吝嗇鬼幾乎就沒捐錢給他們。
    The niggard contributed little to them.
  4. 為孤兒捐錢的名單上有拉爾夫的名字。
    Ralph is on my hit list for contributing money for the orphans.
  5. 德蘭修女說:“我們不能僅滿足於捐錢
    Mother Theresa said:“Let us not be satisfied with just giving money.
  6. 簽署決不泄露秘密的諾言;捐錢給慈善事業的諾言
    Signed a pledge never to reveal the secret; a pledge of money to a charity.
