句 jù 由詞組成的能表示出一個完整意思的話:句子。句法。 〔句讀( 量詞,用...>>查看“句”在國語字典中的解釋
- (詩的)音節拉長希臘文和拉丁文詩句中通常短音節的延長The lengthening of a normally short syllable in Greek and Latin verse
- 列寧有句類似的話說,真理和謬誤只有一步之遙。羅斯福講到領導的藝術的時候則說,領先民眾只能有一步——不領先不是領導,太多了民眾跟不上。From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step.---Napoleon I.
- 加上一句,應該創新與進取精神蓬勃發展。A spirit of innovation and initiative is also fueling its progress.
- 返回指向頂層視窗(主視窗)的指針(句柄)。Returns a pointer to the top window.
- 德文同位語從句探析On the appositive clause of German
- 這句話讓我感觸頗深。His words make me think a lot
- 被修飾的名詞是形容詞子句的主語。The noun being modified acts as the subject of an adjective clause.
- 句法:語言所要求的語法或者結構。SYNTAX:Required grammar or structure of a language.