拼音:jù hào英文解釋:
full stop【計】 full stop
用來標示陳述句的結束的標點符號——中文用“。... >>查看“句號”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 這次勝利給俱樂部輝煌的賽季畫上了圓滿的句號。This victory provided a fitting finale to a brilliant season for the club.
- 句號表示一個句子結束了。A period signals the end of a sentence
- 我們在句子的末尾加一個句號。We put a full stop at the end of a sentence.
- 句號表示一個句子結束了。A period signals the end of a sentence.
- 這次勝利給俱樂部輝煌的賽季畫上了圓滿的句號。This victory provided a fitting finale to a brilliant season for the club
- 在英國他們稱句號為停頓。in England they call a period a stop
- 你永遠不會成為奧林匹斯的王者,是時候在這裡劃上句號了。You will never be the ruler of the Olympus.