字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>畸形的英文翻譯


拼音:jī xíng


anamorphosis; deformation; deformity; malformation; misshape; monstrosity
【醫】 allomorphosis; cacogenesis; cacomorphosis; deformation; deformity
dysgenesis; dysmorphia; dysmorphosis; malformation; monstrositas
monstrosity; teratism; teratismus; terato-; teratosis
vitium conformationis


1.deformity  2.teratosis  3.maldevelopment  4.abnormalcy  5.misshape  6.catfacing  7.anamorphosis  8.ectromelia  9.malformationdeformity  10.malformed  11.teratism  12.cacogenesis  13.bemaimed  14.disablement  15.heteromorphosis  16.deformation  


  1. 她有一隻畸形,行動不方便
    She has a deformed foot and can't walk very easily.
  2. 這種處理方法能造成上肢畸形
    This treatment could result in malformation of the arms.
  3. 整直學,矯正學一門研究如何利用特定機械裝置支撐或填補退化或畸形的關節或四肢的科學
    The science that deals with the use of specialized mechanical devices to support or supplement weakened or abnormal joints or limbs.
  4. 畸形的外表上或結構上十分不正常的;畸形的
    Deviating greatly from the norm in appearance or structure; abnormal.
  5. 關節病病變或或畸形的關節
    A disease or an abnormality of a joint.
  6. 他的腳稍有先天畸形,走起路來一瘸一拐。
    He was born with a slight deformity of the feet which made him limp.


畸形的意思 ∶生物體某部分在發育中形成的不正常的形狀 矮子的駝背畸形 ∶某一部分發展過快而造成的整體不平衡狀態畸形現象詳細解釋.指生物體某部分發育不正常。 魯迅 《南腔北調集·搗鬼心傳》:“人有怪胎,也有畸形。
