拼音:jiū jìng 英文解釋:
after all; on earth; ever; exactly; what actually happened中文解釋:
到底他究竟想乾什麼?在這方面,他究竟是行家 >>
查看“究竟”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 你方九日來電內容不明,發貨究竟延期多久?請告知確切裝船日期。
Your 9th obscure how long WLCGO is delayed adv. definite shipping date
- 埃文:沒聽過肉餡餅,究竟是什麼?
Evan: Never heard of that, what is it?
- 究竟是甚麽令我們充滿信心?
What is the basis of this particular confidence?
- 同伴問他究竟是怎么射中的。
His pals asked him how on earth he had hit the thing.
- 究竟發生了什麼事?
What happened on earth ?
- 問題在於一定要弄清人們究竟需要什麼。
The question is how to ascertain what the people really want .
- 她這究竟是什麼意思?
what could she mean by it?
- 你究竟怎么會提出買這台空調的?
But how on earth do you propose to buy this air-conditioner?