拼音:jǐn tiē英文解釋:
cling【機】 wringing
緊緊地貼近,靠近鏇轉部分緊貼著一側 >>查看“緊貼”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 不要緊貼路邊開車。Don't cling to the kerb when you're driving.
- 濕衣服緊貼在他身上。The wet clothes clung to his body.
- 他的眼睛緊貼在鑰匙孔上。His eyes were glued to the keyhole.
- 一種平且直的緊貼肩膀的領口。a plain straight neck opening from shoulder to shoulder of sweaters
- 還沒有兩顆緊貼著的心跳得響!Then the two hearts beating each to each!
- 簇生的(某些莖)不正常地緊貼或生長在一起的Abnormally flattened or coalesced, as certain stems.
- 詩102:5因我唉哼的聲音、我的肉緊貼骨頭。Because of the loudness of my groaning My bones cling to my flesh.