拼音:jǐn jǐn英文翻譯
closely; firmly
- 帳篷的帘布應緊緊系住。
The tent flaps should be tightly fastened.
- 報紙緊緊塞在信箱裡,他很難取出來。
The newspapers were so tightly jammed in the letter-box he could hardly get them out.
- 他緊緊抓住了繩子。
He took hold of the rope tightly.
- 他把派克大衣兜帽兩邊都綁得緊緊的來擋住雪。
He held both sides of the parka hood closed against the snow.
- 老師告訴他的學生緊緊抓住欄桿。
The teacher told his students to catch the parapet tightly.
- 我被兩個肥胖的女人緊緊地擠在中間,以致於要站起來下公共汽車都很難。
I was so tightly wedged between two fat women that it was difficult for me to get up and leave the bus.
- 他把褲帶扣得緊緊的。
He buckled up his belt tightly.
- 那個女孩手裡緊緊攥著媽媽給她的錢。
The money her mother gave was clenched tightly in the girl's hand.
緊緊的意思 ∶密切
注意緊緊盯著 ∶牢固地他把繩子系得緊緊地詳細解釋.牢固;不
放鬆。 宋 葉適 《監司》:“今也上之操制監司,反甚於監司操制州郡,緊緊恐其擅權而自用。” 巴金 《關於<龍·虎·狗>》一:“ 越南