拼音:jǐn shèn 英文解釋:
be cautious to; be chary of; scrupulosity; watch one's step
(1) ∶細心慎重知臣謹慎。——諸葛亮《出師表》謹慎的疑... >>
查看“謹慎”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
maidenliness 2.
becharyof 3.
becautiousto 4.
modesty 5.
prudence 6.
reticence 7.
retenue 8.
wariness 9.
watchone'sstep 10.
discreetness 11.
cautiousness 12.
cautel 13.
chariness 14.
caution 15.
care 16.
discreet 例句:
- 他說話謹慎。
He is careful in his speech.
- 謹慎是那人性格的本質。
Caution is the essence of that man's character.
- 他要我們謹慎行事。
He told us to proceed with caution.
- 擇友愈謹慎愈好。
One cannot be too careful in choosing friends.
- 他的謹慎救了他一命。
His prudence saved his life.
- 她很謹慎,不會泄露秘密。
She is cautious of telling secrets.
- 他措辭很謹慎。
He is cautious in his choice of words.
- 我們應該謙虛謹慎。
We should be modest and prudent.