拼音:jìn bù英文翻譯
advance; advancement; come along; come on; develop; fare; forwardnessget ahead; improvement; on the upgrade; progress; stride; telesis
【醫】 improvement
1.ontheupgrade 2.telesis 3.comealong 4.improvement 5.develop 6.forwardness 7.advancement 8.advance 9.goton 10.getforward 11.fare 12.go-ahead 13.proficience 14.belookingup 15.comeon 16.getahead例句:
- 她的書法有了明顯的進步。There's been a noticeable improvement in her handwriting.
- 這學期他的寫作有了很大進步。His writing has improved greatly in this semester.
- 他的英文有進步。He is forward in his English.
- 這個學生學習上進步很快。The student is showing rapid progress in his studies.
- 他學習上進步很快。He made rapid progress in his studies.
- 什麼事妨礙你取得進步?What impedes you to make progress?
- 那位著名的進步思想家被邀請在會議上發表演講。That famous progressive thinker was asked to deliver a speech at the meeting.
- 所有這些困難阻礙了他的進步。All these difficulties cramped his progress.