interest; manner; powerful; spirit; strength; strong; vigor中文解釋:
勁 (勁) jìn 力氣,力量:勁頭。費勁。幹勁。 精神,情緒,興趣:幹活兒起...>>查看“勁”在國語字典中的解釋
- 陣風勁吹,時速將達每小時四十英里。The wind will gust up to 40 miles an hour.
- 天氣可真差勁,你說呢?Dreadful weather, don’t you think?
- 費勁的工作a stiff task
- 他使勁擠牙膏管子,擠出了最後一點牙膏。He squeezed the tube hard and the last bit of toothpaste came out.
- 哨聲使勁地響個不停,把大家都吵醒了。This whistle blew full blast and woke everyone up.
- 霧很大,我們費了好大勁才找到回家的路。It was so foggy that we had a job to find our way home.
- 該公司已從瀕臨破產的狀態中強勁地恢復過來。The company had staged a strong recovery from a point of near bankruptcy.
- 我希望他們下午比賽時拿出勁來。I expect them to play up this afternoon.