all; exhausted; to the greatest extent; try one's best; within the limits of中文解釋:
盡 (盡) jìn 完畢:用盡。說不盡。取之不盡。 達到極端:盡頭。山窮水盡。...>>查看“盡”在國語字典中的解釋
1.exert 2.fulfil 3.exhausted中英例句:
- 我已筋疲力盡了!I'm exhausted!
- 我認為我們對這一問題已差不多是言無不盡了。I think we've just about exhausted that subject.
- 他因十分努力而筋疲力盡。He exhausted himself in the attempt.
- 受訓的突擊隊員要參加令人筋疲力盡的突擊課程。Trainee commandos are put through an exhausting assault course.
- 那位守寡的母親盡全力讓兒子念大學。The widowed mother exerted herself to the utmost to send her son to college.
- 戰士們經過一個月的戰鬥已筋疲力盡。The combatants were exhausted after a month's fight.
- 他用盡一切影響力使他們接受他的計畫。He exerted all his influence to make them accept his plan.
- 他雖竭盡全力,但仍然未能將那石頭搬起來。He failed to lift the rock in spite of all his exertions.