拼音:jì mǔ英文翻譯
stepmother【法】 stepmonther
1.stepmother 2.stupid 3.stepdame 4.step-mother 5.step-parent例句:
- 弗蘭克·邱吉爾幾個月來一直答應要來看望他的父親和新過門的繼母,但卻再次推遲了他的來訪日期。Frank Churchill, who had promised for months to come to see his father and new stepmother, again put off his visit.
- 法官說沒有任何理由可以把那個繼母殘忍虐待女孩的罪責減輕。The judge said that nothing could mitigate the cruelty with which the stepmother had treated the girl.
- 她的繼母是個專橫跋扈的女人,很恨她。Her step-mother, who hated her, was an absolute gorgon.
- 他的繼母對她很和善。His stepmother is kind to her.