字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>記錄信息的英文翻譯


拼音:jì lù xìn xī


【計】 recorded information


  1. 記錄紙以字元或表格的形式記錄信息的紙
    A sheet presenting information in the form of graphs or tables.
  2. 記錄紙以字元或表格的形式記錄信息的紙
    A sheet presenting information in the form of graphs or tables
  3. 抽認卡仍是記錄信息最好的工具之一。
    Flashcards remain one of the best tools for memorizing information.
  4. 能以鑿孔形式記錄信息的卡片。
    a card on which data can be recorded in the form of punched holes.
  5. 一條連續的薄紙帶,用於記錄信息
    a continuous thin ribbon of paper on which stock quotes are written.
  6. 一條連續的薄紙帶,用於記錄信息
    a continuous thin ribbon of paper on which stock quotes are written
