拼音:jì rù英文解釋:
booking; registry【計】 log-in; post; posting
【經】 charge to
1.entering 2.makeanentryin 3.Posting 4.empanel 5.log-in 6.post 7.Login 8.logging 9.inscription 10.log-on中英例句:
- 本件保險的保險費以及手續費,計52英鎊,已記入貴方借方帳。The premium and charges on this assurance was carried to your debit in the sum of£52.
- 當第一個客戶第一次開戶時,他通知銀行僅憑他簽發的支票記入他存款的借方。A customer first opens an account, he instructs the bank to debit his account only in respect of cheques drawn by himself.
- 貸方金額記入這類數目的一本帳戶的右方The right-hand side of an account on which such amounts are entered.
- 將費用記入德瑞勒斯的賬中。Charge it to the account of Drexler corporation.
- 把細目記入帳簿enter details in a book
- 請記入我的賬戶。Please charge it to my account.
- 銀行在我的帳上記入了50美元。The bank has credited fifty dollars to my account .
- 記入訴訟記錄將…記入判決書目錄或記入訴訟程式記錄To enter in a court calendar or in a record of court proceedings.