拼音:jiē xiǎo 英文解釋:
announce; make known中文解釋:
公布考試錄取名單;泛指把事情的結果公開出來選舉結果已經揭曉 >>
查看“揭曉”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 每次上菜之前會有專業演員以啞劇的形式揭曉菜名。
Each dish is “announced” by a mime artist before serving to table
- 足球賽的結果已揭曉。
The result of the football match has been announced.
- 選舉結果要到午夜才能揭曉。
The result of the poll won't be known until midnight.
- 選舉結果已揭曉。
The result of the election has been published.
- 每次上菜之前會有專業演員以啞劇的形式揭曉菜名。
Each dish is “announced” by a mime artist before serving to table.
- 謎底終於揭曉了。
The riddle is finally brought to light.
- 1995年國家科技獎評審揭曉
Results of Exam,for National Awards in Sci.&Tech,1995 Unveiled