拼音:jiē lù英文解釋:
disclose; exposure; lay open; open up; show up; uncover; untomb; revelation【法】 disclose; expose; exposure
揭發隱蔽的事,使之暴露 >>查看“揭露”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.unkennel 2.liftthecurtainover 3.uncover 4.raisethecurtainover 5.revelation 6.showup 7.unkennell 8.uncloak 9.layopen 10.takethelidoff 11.develope 12.openup 13.disclose 14.laybare 15.uncovery 16.exposure例句:
- 總統因近來被揭露涉嫌金融權益問題而成為醜聞的主角。The President is at the center of a recent scandal over revelation about his financial interests.
- 你看了前任部長在報上揭露的那些驚人的事實沒有?Have you read the ex-minister's amazing revelations in the newspaper?
- 他那不光彩歷史的揭露導致了他的辭職。The revelation of his scandalous past led to his resignation.
- 是兩名年輕記者揭露了全部陰謀。It was two young reporters who uncovered the whole plot.
- 這名記者因為試圖揭露一個陰謀而被殺害。The reporter was killed because he tried to expose a plot.