拼音:jiān xìn英文解釋:
堅定信任他堅信能很快完成 >>查看“堅信”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 我堅信我們最後會勝利。I fervently believe in our eventual victory.
- 請堅信,在類似的情形下,我都會高興地為您服務。Be assured that I shall always, with pleasure, be at your service in same cases.
- 我們堅信:信譽是長期合作的基礎。We believe in trustful and long-term business partnerships.
- 他堅信有獲救的希望。He clung the hope of being rescued.
- 固守教義的嚴格堅信或追隨教會的習俗或教義Conforming or adhering rigorously to the practices or creeds of a church.
- 我堅信他是無辜的。I strongly believe that he is innocent.
- 堅信《聖經》的正確性Belief in the inerrancy of the Scriptures.