拼音:jiān yì de英文解釋:
firm and persistent; with inflexible will相關詞條:
- 堅毅的個性a fortitudinous character
- 堅毅的人a man with plenty of sand in him
- 他們無懼風浪,憑著堅毅的拚搏精神,同心合力令這顆「東方之珠」愈顯光芒。Come and experience the fervent passion of the Hong Kong people.
- 他是一位堅毅的領導人、一盞引導的明燈和一位智慧的牧羊人。He was a brave leader, a bright guiding lamp, and a wise shepherd
- 勇士堅毅的人,有勇氣或活力的人A person of courageous determination or energy