拼音:jiàn jiàn英文解釋:
bit by bit; by degrees; gradually; little by little【醫】 Grad.; gradatim
(1) 程度或數量逐步地;慢慢地 漸漸透出。——《徐霞... >>查看“漸漸”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.littlebylittle 2.bitbybit 3.gradatim中英例句:
- 經過多月的努力,這本新書漸漸像個樣子了。After months of work, the new book is gradually taking shape.
- 他有眨眼睛的習慣,但漸漸地他不再患此毛病。He had a habit of blinking his eyes, but gradually he grew out of it.
- 漸漸地,這種貨幣不再通用。Gradually, this kind of currency fell into disuse.
- 海水漸漸地侵蝕了陸地。The sea is gradually encroaching on the land.
- 傷口漸漸癒合。The wound gradually scarred over.
- 周圍的農田漸漸變成了住宅區。Gradually the surrounding farmland turned residential.
- 長期的患病使她的體力漸漸衰竭。Her long illness gradually sapped her strength.
- 她漸漸向他透露了自己的計畫。She gradually unfolded her plan to him.