拼音:jiāng jūn 英文解釋:
aga; check; embarrass; general; tycoon
(1) (2) 下象棋時攻擊對方的“將”或“... >>
查看“將軍”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
mate 2.
marshal 3.
problem 4.
agha 5.
aga 6.
generals 7.
warlord 8.
seraskier 9.
strategos 10.
strategus 11.
tycoon 12.
check 例句:
- 將軍高度讚揚了他在那次戰爭中的英勇事跡。
His heroism in that war was highly praised by the general.
- 將軍被授予最高權力。
The general was girded with the supreme power.
- 將軍下令部下攻城。
The general commanded his men to attack the city.
- 將軍被解除了指揮權。
The general was relieved of his command.
- 這些將軍通過監禁領導人來威嚇反對軍事統治的人。
The generals tried to cow opposition to their military rule by imprisoning their leaders.
- 將軍下令釋放犯人。
The general directed that the prisoners should be set free.
- 將軍的級別比上尉高。
A general ranks a captain.
- 炮手瓊斯受到了將軍的表揚。
Gunner Jones was praised by the general.