拼音:jiǎn duàn英文解釋:
clipping; nip; snip【機】 shearing work
(1).乾脆利落。《紅樓夢》第二七回:“剛纔這兩遭説話雖不多,口角兒就很剪斷。”... >>查看“剪斷”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 剪截工,如剪斷動物尾巴One that docks something, such as the tail of an animal.
- JRG-3.2×2計量泵在使用中剪斷保險銷的原因分析Safety Pin Shorn Cause Analysis of JRG-3.2X2 Metering Pump
- 折斷從(樹上)砍下或剪斷枝條To cut or break a branch from(a tree)
- 折斷從(樹上)砍下或剪斷枝條To cut or break a branch from(a tree).
- 棒材剪斷機缺陷分析與改進設計Flaw Analysis and Improving Design of Bar Shearing Machine