字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>剪輯的英文翻譯 “剪輯”的日文翻譯


拼音:jiǎn jí


clip; cut; edit; editing and rearrangement; film editing; montage


(1) ∶刪剪、編排拍攝好的鏡頭,使成為完整的影片。也作“剪接&rd... >>查看“剪輯”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 剪輯下來的東西、便條、圖片等可以貼在上面的冊子。
    a album into which clippings or notes or pictures can be pasted.
  2. 剪輯一個電影需要多長時間。
    Interviewer: How long does it take to edit a film?
  3. 廢棄物,下腳料用過的或丟棄的材料,如剪輯時棄置的廢膠片
    Excised or rejected material, such as film that has been cut in editing.
  4. 這部影片的剪輯將製作成錄像。
    Clips from the movie will be presented on video.
  5. 剪輯下來的東西、便條、圖片等可以貼在上面的冊子。
    a album into which clippings or notes or pictures can be pasted
  6. 以前的電影剪輯人員是將幾卷影片接合成一部電影。
    Film editors used to splice reels of film together to make a whole movie.
  7. 這部影片應剔除糟粕,重新進行剪輯
    The film is to be cleaned up and re-edited.
  8. 以前的電影剪輯人員是將幾卷影片接合成一部電影。
    Film editors used to splice reels of film together to make a whole movie
