drive; harness中文解釋:
駕 (駕) jià 把車套在牲口身上,使拉(車或農具):駕車。駕轅。 古代車乘...>>查看“駕”在國語字典中的解釋
1.drive 2.sail 3.pilot例句:
- 她駕車小心地從這條很多石頭的小路上駛過去。She drives carefully up the rocky lane.
- 我們繞遠道駕車回家。We drove home by a roundabout route.
- 危險駕駛應受嚴懲。Dangerous driving should be severely punished.
- 他撞車後駕駛執照被吊銷了。His driving licence was revoked after the crash.
- 你得到駕車的執照了嗎?Are you licensed to drive?
- 他的駕駛執照上載有危險駕駛記錄。He's had his licence endorsed for dangerous driving.
- 你的駕駛執照何時到期?When does your driving licence expire?
- 經過連續幾次的失敗,他最後終於通過了駕駛考試。After a series of unsuccessful attempts, he has finally passed the driving test.