拼音:jià yù英文解釋:
control; drive a horse; rein【法】 rein
(1) ∶驅使車馬一匹難以駕馭的馬(2) ∶比喻掌握控制;支配駕馭局勢 >>查看“駕馭”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 尼克叔叔就在那兒飼養他的那些馬 ... 他說他可?em>約菰φ廡┞聿煌5乇寂埽且壞愣膊換岜環Α?He says he could drive them to Kingdom-Come and they would not turn their hair.
- 她的想像力如脫韁之馬難以駕馭。Her imagination tends to run away with her.
- 這匹馬易於駕馭。This horse reins well.
- 在這樣的大風天氣要駕馭這隻小船不容易。It is hard to manage such a small boat on a windy day.
- 這些步驟,也是引人走向駕馭恐懼,掌控失意挫折,主宰冷漠淡然的步驟。They lead, also, to the mastery of FEAR, DISCOURAGEMENT, INDIFFERENCE.
- 我們又多么容易被習氣所駕馭!How easily wa allow our old habits and set patterns to dominate us!
- 她的想像力如脫韁之馬難以駕馭。Her imagination tends to run away with her.
- 農夫有一匹馬,很不好的駕馭。The farmer had a horse that had a had mouth