字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>稽的英文翻譯 “稽”的日文翻譯



check; delay; examine; investigate


稽 jī 停留:稽留。稽滯。 考核:稽核。稽查。稽考。無稽之談。 計較:反唇相...


  1. 的人逗笑或試圖逗笑的人;丑角
    A person who amuses or tries to be amusing; a clown.
  2. 論北宋滑詞與文人心態
    On comic Ci and the state of mind of scholars in Northern Sony Dynasty
  3. 一種滑的沒有規定長短的詩。
    a comic verse of irregular measure.
  4. 我聽到一件很滑的事, 下課後告訴你。
    I've heard something very funny and I'll let you in on it after class.
  5. 小丑那滑的表演吸引著孩子。
    The ludicrous performance of the clown fascinated the children.
  6. 那幅畫把沉溺於熱戀中的青年男子的痴態勾勒得滑可笑。
    The comic skit sent up the foolishness of young men in love.
  7. 她更喜歡扮演滑角色。
    She prefers to play comic roles.
  8. 在所有動物中,猴子是最滑的。
    Of (Among) all the a**ls, the monkey is (monkeys are) the funniest
