字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>火鍋的英文翻譯 “火鍋”的日文翻譯


拼音:huǒ guō


chaffy dish


一種附裝有熱源(如木炭、電或酒精燈)、放在桌上燒煮的烹調器皿 >>查看“火鍋”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.chafingdish  2.firepot  


  1. 今天我想推薦羊肉火鍋,這是典型的川菜。
    I want to recommend mutton hot pot today. It is a typical Sichuan dish.
  2. 你們晚上有火鍋
    Do you have a pot service in the evening
  3. 好的。這裡的涮羊肉,涮牛肉,雞肉火鍋,鮮蝦火鍋及其它海鮮火鍋
    yes, you can have a choice of lamb, beef, chicken, shrimp or other seafood
  4. 恩,我知道一家非常好的餐館。一家蒙古火鍋餐館。
    A Well, I know a nice restaurant A Mongolian hotpot restaurant
  5. 好的。這裡的涮羊肉,涮牛肉,雞肉火鍋,鮮蝦火鍋及其它海鮮火鍋
    yes, you can have a choice of lamb, beef, chicken, shrimp or other seafood.
  6. 因此,石頭燒成了銘品火鍋的一大特色,讓食客可以美味與健康二者兼得。
    This stone grill is the center piece of the Mingpin restaurant.
  7. 早上好,翡翠火鍋酒家。請講。
    Good morning, speaking. What can I do for you?
  8. 好,非常不錯。我非常喜歡蒙古火鍋
    B Yes, it was very good I really like Mongolian hotpot
