拼音:huāng zhāng 英文解釋:
lose one's nerve; fidget; flurry; helter-skelter; hurry-scurry
恐懼、不沉著而急切忙亂為什麼這樣慌張辦任何事都不應該慌張 >>
查看“慌張”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
flurry 2.
bewilderment 3.
helter-skelter 4.
inapucker 5.
loseone'snerve 6.
restlesseness 7.
precipitancy 8.
razzle 9.
fidget 10.
hustle 11.
fluster 12.
discomposure 13.
hurry-scurry 14.
precipitance 15.
twitter 相關對話:
- 早晨我媽媽總是慌慌張張:做飯,收拾房間,送我最小的弟弟上幼稚園,然後去上班。
In the morning, my mother is always in a rush: she cooks, makes the room tidy, takes my younger brother to the nursery, and then goes to work.
- 她慌慌張張地走下樓梯。
She went helter-skelter down the stairs.
- 不要慌張!
Don't get flustered!
- 完全沒有必要慌張;不需要匆忙。
There was no need for haste.
- 慌慌張張
in a flurry
- 在緊急的關頭,不能慌張。
We must not lose our heads in an emergency.
- 慌亂,慌張地行動在慌亂中運動或下降
To move or come down in a flurry
- 慌亂,慌張地行動在慌亂中運動或下降
To move or come down in a flurry.