拼音:huāng yě de英文解釋:
- 這位海員到過世界上最荒野的港口。他見多識廣。The sailor had been in the wildest ports in the world. He knew his way around.
- 灑在西部荒野的金色麥田。on Westfall’s fields of golden grain.
- 布克,一首勝利之歌——解讀傑克·倫敦《荒野的呼喚》中的布克形象Buck, a song of triumph-Comments on Buck in The Call of the Wild
- 一種橫穿荒野的由美洲人開拓的路。a trail through the wilderness worn by Amerindians
- 他們也不是荒野的救星。They are not the savior of the wilderness.
- 熟悉這些荒野的人,往往還會在這樣的晚上迷路的。People familiar with these moors often miss their road on such evenings;