拼音:huāng fèi英文解釋:
be out of practice; desolation; dilapidation; disrepair; lie wasteobsolescence
(1) ∶荒蕪不用我們村里沒有一畝地是荒廢的荒廢了的水渠又利用起來了(2) ∶做... >>查看“荒廢”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.unrepair 2.ruin 3.ravage 4.devastation相關對話:
- 我受了誘惑而荒廢了學業。I was lured away from my study.
- 詹姆士荒廢了一個下午。James dally away the afternoon.
- 他把時間都荒廢在看電視上了。He dawdles the hours away watching television.
- 它在我荒廢的胸口,It lies on my abandoned breast,
- 荒廢著的沒有建造或耕作以增加價值的。用於土地Not built on or cultivated so as to increase in value. Used of land.
- 我們選擇“荒廢的時間”。We have chosen a desert time.
- 這個荒廢的村莊死一般的寂靜。The deserted village was filled with a deathly silence
- 這所房屋已處於荒廢的狀態。The house has fallen into a state of neglect.