拼音:huá dòng英文解釋:
glide; sleek; slide; slip; slippage【醫】 gliding movement
以平滑、連續的動作來移動 >>查看“滑動”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.slip 2.slide 3.slid 4.slidingmovement 5.slidingmotion 6.sliding 7.slipping 8.gliding 9.traveling漢語造句:
- 拉鏈由平行的金屬、塑膠或尼龍的齒狀物製成的,在開口臨近邊緣上被滑動的拉環鎖住的緊扣物A fastening device consisting of parallel rows of metal, plastic, or nylon teeth on adjacent edges of an opening that are interlocked by a sliding tab.
- 那客貨車沿堤壩向下滑動了(幾英尺)。The van slipped (a few feet) down the embankment.
- 滑動皮環通過滑動以改變鼓弦張力的皮環A leather loop that slides to change the tension on the cord of a drum.
- 這種費用是根據收入高低滑動折算的。Fees are calculated on a sliding scale according to income.