- 一段兒童可以滑行的有坡度的斜道。
a sloping chute down which children can slide
- 一種可以通過滑行的手拉垂片來鎖閉兩條鋸齒邊的裝置。
a device for locking together two toothed edges by means of a sliding tab.
- 以高速度在水上滑行的摩托艇。
a motorboat designed so that it skims the water at high speeds
- 滑下,溜下滑動或滑行的動作;滑動
The act of sliding or coasting; slide.
- 用來在雪上滑行的狹長的木頭、金屬或塑膠裝置。
narrow wood or metal or plastic runners used for gliding over snow.
- 滑橇,拖橇一種滑行的雪橇
A type of coasting sled
- 用電力推動的沿著鐵路滑行的車。
a car that runs on rails and is propelled by electricity.
- 助滑器幫助滑行的設備
A device that aids gliding