be partial to; protect; shield中文解釋:
護 (護) hù 使不受侵犯和損害:保護。護衛。護理。護士。護航。護林。辯護。...>>查看“護”在國語字典中的解釋
- 船隻本身需要海軍和空軍的保護。The ships required the protection of naval and air power.
- 武士們衝進宮裡保護國王。The cavaliers rushed into the palace to protect the king.
- 這些警察戴著頭盔保護自己。These policemen wear helmets to protect them.
- 他終生獻身於珍稀動物的保護。He's devoted his whole life to the protection of the rare animals.
- 政府決定對進口汽車徵收保護稅。The government decided to impose a protective tariff on foreign cars.
- 存儲在計算機里的數據能被保護起來。The data stored in a computer can be protected.
- 這座城堡建於高處是為保護城市。This citadel is built on high ground for protecting the city.
- 他伸出手去,保護他的孩子免受傷害。He raised his arm to protect his child from hurt.