拼音:hěn kuài英文解釋:
1.PDQ 2.soon 3.likewildfire中英例句:
- 男孩很快地跑上樓。The boy ran upstairs quickly.
- 她很快成為大家注意的人物。She soon becomes the centre of attention.
- 房屋不經常打掃,塵土很快就越積越多。Dust and dirt soon accumulate if a house is not cleaned regularly.
- 這種緊張情緒很快感染了人群中所有的人。The tension soon transmitted itself to all the members of the crowd.
- 花剪下後很快就會枯萎。Flowers soon faded when they have been cut.
- 別了!希望很快我們能再見面。Farewell! I hope we meet again soon.
- 樹葉已開始變色,很快就是冬天了。The leaves have started to color; it will soon be winter.
- 我們很快就吃完了朱古力蛋糕。We soon despatched the chocolate cake.