拼音:hěn dà de英文解釋:
1.helluva 2.heckuva 3.tremendous漢語造句:
- 抽菸對我們的健康有很大的影響。Smoking has a great influence on our health
- 倉庫等用的那種很大的滑門。the large sliding door of a barn.
- 我有4件很大的皮箱。I have four very large suitcases.
- 價錢也有很大的分別吧?Is that mush of a different in price.
- 三個轉變中,第一個轉變曾經遇到很大的困難。The first of the three changes encountered great difficulties.
- 我們費了很大的精力去勸服他。We had a great tug to persuade him.
- 到國外旅行是筆很大的開支。Traveling abroad is a big expense
- 你的笑話使我們得到了很大的樂趣。We all got quite a belt from your jokes