拼音:hěn duō de 英文解釋:
a great deal of; enough; plenty; copious; numerous相關詞條:
muckle 2.
mickle 3.
lumping 4.
jillion 5.
awealthof 6.
copious 7.
voluminous 8.
wealthy 9.
plenty 10.
profuse 11.
agood/greatmany 12.
awholelotof 13.
plentyof 14.
acrowdof... 15.
legionary 16.
agreatdealof 漢語造句:
- 那需要很多的辛勤工作。
It involves a lot of hard work.
- 昨天我一下子產生了很多的疑問,以致我不知如何是好。
I had so many queries at once yesterday that I didn't know whether I was coming or going.
- 他的太太有很多的婚外情,更糟的是跟他最好的朋友。
His wife have many affairs, even, adding insult to injury, with his best friend.
- 編纂字典要用很多的時間,要有極大的耐心。
Compiling a dictionary costs much time and patience.
- 兩次世界大戰之間發生了很多的變化。
Many changes took place between the two world wars.