拼音:hǎo dǎi 英文解釋:
anyhow; at any rate; good and bad; in any case; mishap; disaster
不幸的意外事故;災禍萬一有個好歹 >>
查看“好歹”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
killorcure 2.
someway 3.
somehow 4.
someways 例句:
- 萬一她有個好歹,請立刻打電話給我。
If something should happen to her, please ring me up at once.
- 好歹我們試試看。
Anyhow, let us try.
- 我好歹也要試一試,幹了再說。
I will do it, and chance the ducks.
- 困難是有的,但我們好歹混過來了。
There were problems, but we muddled through somehow.
- 你不但不謝他, 還埋怨他, 真不知好歹。
You are really an ungrateful wretch to complain instead of thanking him.
- ”“好吧, 不管好歹, 反正我按鈴了。”
“Well, anyhow, I rang the bell.