拼音:guì zú英文解釋:
noble; peer; aristocrat; grandee; magnifico【法】 baron; lord; patrician
(1) ∶權貴的家族。多指帝王的內外親族,或中央或地方的大豪族。也叫&ldquo... >>查看“貴族”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.jarl 2.burgrave 3.patrician 4.peerage 5.peer 6.magnifico 7.noble 8.tuft-hunter 9.aristocrat 10.rajah 11.aristocracy 12.atheling 13.amir 14.anciennenoblesse 15.aristo 16.baronage漢語造句:
- 在這個貧窮的地區,他的貴族氣派顯得很可笑。His aristocratic manners seemed ridiculous in this poor area.
- 她的父親曾是英國貴族。Her father was an English aristocrat.
- 王公貴族以不屑一顧的傲慢態度對待平民百姓。The nobles treated the common people with haughty contempt.
- 王宮裡到處都是貴族和貴夫人。The king's court was full of nobles and grand ladies.
- 貴族通常反對社會變革。The nobility usually resist social changes.
- 儘管他的祖父是貴族,他卻非常窮困。Although his grandfather was a nobleman, he was very poor.
- 英國上院即貴族院,下院即眾議院。In Britain the upper Chamber is the House of Lords, and the lower the House of Commons.
- 他出身貴族。He is a man of noble birth.