拼音:guī quàn英文解釋:
admonish; advise; remonstrance; remonstration【法】 remonstrance; remonstrate
鄭重地勸說,勸告 >>查看“規勸”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.remonstration 2.remonstrance 3.exhort 4.protreptic中英例句:
- 我以“滾石不生苔”這格言規勸他。I refer him to the adage "a rolling stone gathers no mass."
- 他陪著我,然而不失時機地繼續他對我的的規勸。He accompany me, however, not lose one moment in continuing his exhortation.
- 我們的老師規勸我們好好學習。Our teacher gives us exhortation to study hard.
- 我們的老師規勸我們好好學習。Our teacher gives us exhortation to study hard.
- 關於他的行為我已規勸過他了。I have reasoned with him as to his conduct.
- 關於他的行為我們已經規勸過他。We have reasoned with him as to his conduct.
- 她規勸其丈夫改掉在床上吸菸的習慣。She expostulated with her husband on his habit of smoking in bed.
- 我以“滾石不生苔”這格言規勸他。I refer him to the adage "a rolling stone gathers no mass"