拼音:guī lǜ英文解釋:
disciplinarian; law; orderliness; regular pattern; rule【醫】 rule
【經】 law
(1) ∶自然界和社會諸現象之間必然、本質、穩定和反覆出現的關係這句話,不只說出... >>查看“規律”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.method 2.orderliness 3.rule 4.law(byelaw) 5.regularpattern 6.disciplinarian 7.system相關對話:
- 她畫了一排由近而遠高度遞減的樹以演示透視法的規律。She drew a row of trees receding into the distance to demonstrate the laws of perspective.
- 供求規律決定商品的價格。The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods.
- 他們全家除他以外頭髮都是紅的。正所謂有例外才證明有規律嘛。All his family have red hair except him. He is the exception which proves the rule.
- 了解市場經濟的規律對我們很重要。To understand the rules of market-oriented economy is very important to us.
- 任何規律總有例外。There is always an exception to any rule.